Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Those roos...

I love them but they are as dumb as the dirt they hop on. I was driving into work this morning for my sun-up to sun-down shift and I know they are active when the sun is not out. There must have been an all-night kangaroo fiesta because I saw at least 20 of them near the road. Now to drive around them safely, you have to slow down to a crawling speed when (if) your see them because they will do some stupid things. They are known for jumping in front of the car at the last minute. Or they will see you coming a block away, try and escape across the road but forget what they are doing and stop in the road. They also hide in the bush on one side of the road and dart to the other side for now reason. But what happened to me this morning is one of my favorites. I saw my roo next to the road and slowed down. I then moved the car to the center of the road to give him some room and try not to spook him. As I was almost past him, he jumped into the side of the car. I was in a hit and run from a roo. It was ok, I think, because I could not find him after I turned the car around. It is not my week for driving related incidents!


  1. those damn suicidal kanga's!!! I am thinking that maybe mike...you should get a bike!!! :)

  2. Okay how weird is it that I made a comment about you hitting a roo the last time and then you did. That is crazy! But I have to say do you know how different is to say "hey my brother in law hit a kangaroo on the way to work the other". You would beleive the looks people give you. LOL

  3. Hey...he hit me so it does not count against me. I'm the victim here! LOL.
